Double Trouble




‘Double Trouble’ by Dekker Custom Baits (NL)

Length body 18 cm – Total length with lips 20,5 cm –  Weight 130 gram

Floating. Type: Pullbait/Dive and rise.

The ‘Double Trouble’, a special pullbait designed by DCB, with the backlip to make it dive and a small lip in the front to give it that extra wobble. Ideal lure to fish over dying plants and over structures. Pull the bait with your rodtip to make it dive. The dive will go with shakes and wobbling, even sometimes shooting sideways. All depending how hard you work it.  When you touch the plants, give it a pause with a slack line. On this pause the ‘Double Trouble’ will rise again with a brilliant wobble. It is often on these rises that the big fish cannot resist and strike!
Running depth around 1-1,5 m.
Also suitable for trolling (running depth approx. 1-2 m).

The ‘Double Trouble’ is, just like all baits by DCB, executed in his very recognizable style, high quality finish and absolutely irresistible to pike!

Available in a 4 different catchy custom colors and  limited quantities.

Will be delivered without hooks. Hook advice 3/0
Leader advice: All leadertypes.


Additional information


Black Silver Foiled Tiger, Blue Glitter Baitfish, Silver Yellow Glitter, Yellow Glitter Orange Belly